



Those who expect to be both ignorant and free, expect what never was and never will be.




《亚洲体育博彩平台》序言指出:“我们美利坚合众国人民……制定并制定本宪法。.” That means US…you and me, along with more than 332,000,000 other Americans. 宪法通过选举程序和以人民主权为基础的政府结构,将政府的最终权力委托给人民, 共和主义, 有限政府, 联邦制, 权力分立, 权力制衡和个人自由.

在四页中只包含了4,400个单词, 宪法是世界上最古老的成文宪法,也是最短的成文宪法. 自1788年被批准以来,它只被修改了27次,并影响了其他150多个国家的宪法.

Article VI of the Constitution declares the “the Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, 或将被制造, 在美国的权威之下, 将成为国家的最高法律.”

可悲的是, a majority of Americans are woefully ignorant of the Constitution, yet it is the “supreme law of the land” and “we the people” are sovereign. 一个可行的民治政府怎么可能, 人民的, and for the people be sustained if the people are ignorant of how that government works?

使用所有寻求美国公民身份的移民都必须参加的简单公民考试中的问题, the Woodrow Wilson Foundation surveyed nearly 50,50个州的1万名美国人. In only one state, Vermont, was a majority of those surveyed able to pass that test. 在我们最顶尖的高等教育机构中,80%的高年级学生无法通过基本的高中历史考试.

9月17日, 1787, 55名代表代表最初的13个州中的12个州,在为美国起草新宪法后休会. It became “the supreme law of the land” upon ratification by New Hampshire on June 21, 1788. September 17 is now celebrated as 宪法日. The week in which September 17 occurs is known as 宪法的一周.

在理解宪法的同时, 它创建的政府以及公民的权利和责任应该是一个持续的努力, 宪法周提供了一个绝佳的机会,让我们把地方和全国的注意力集中在这些重要的话题上,并更新我们对“我们人民”政府的认识和承诺."



每年,欧文康考迪亚大学的公民教育中心都会与美国宪法学会合作纪念宪法周, 退伍军人资源中心, the Department of History and Political Thought and other campus organizations. 我们的目标是提供信息, 激励和参与学生, 教职员工对于“国家的最高法律”和我们作为公民的权利和责任——我们是人民.

该中心最近与理查德·尼克松总统图书馆和博物馆共同主办了一系列关于《亚洲体育博彩平台》的18场讲座, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and remaining amendments. Featuring professors from 欧文康考迪亚大学 and California State University, 你可以 在这里观看讲座.

To learn more about the Constitutional Convention of 1787, the men who drafted the Constitution and the times in which they lived, 你可以 看这里 for a series of lively conversations with experts, scholars and authors as well as music from “Convention: The Birth of America.”


的初步预览 宪法的一周 at CUI, see below and watch for details to be added during the summer.

下午5:00 - 7:00 |草坪上的宪法
Lively patriotic music, food and fun for the CUI family

晚上7:00 - 8:00 |毕业典礼演讲嘉宾

12:00 – 1:30 pm | Interview with George Washington
在他第二次访问CUI期间, General George Washington will discuss his role as President of the Constitutional Convention, 他对其他代表的看法, 为什么他认为我们需要一部宪法, 还有更多!

5:30 – 6:30 p.m. |辩论

5:30 – 6:30 p.m. 披萨和宪法问答之夜
Enjoy pizza and pie as you test your knowledge about the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights and additional sixteen amendments, 开国元勋, 以及宪法是如何形成的

在自助餐厅前的宪法周信息亭参与宪法测试, 游戏, 网上签署宪法, 谜题, 免费的口袋大小的宪法等等. Does your political philosophy align with Alexander Hamilton? 托马斯·杰斐逊? 约翰·亚当斯? 本杰明•富兰克林? 詹姆斯·麦迪逊? Come to the kiosk and find out…and take the Constitution Quiz.

访问CUI图书馆查看有关宪法制定和批准的展示和资源链接, 起草它的人, how it is interpreted and how it has changed over time.

Watch this site for updates and additional events and activities.



我们很高兴地宣布,第二届美国宪法征文比赛即将开始,目的是让CUI的学生了解美国宪法, its underlying principles and purposes as well as its role as “the supreme law of the land.“第一名论文的作者将获得1000美元,并在各种网站和出版物上发表文章或节选. The author of the second-place essay will receive $500.


参赛者可以从三个问题中任选一个. 见下文. 只选一个问题.


  • DEADLINE: All essays must be received by 11:00 p.m. 2023年9月8日星期五(太平洋时间). 论文必须提交给 (电子邮件保护).
  • ELIGIBILITY: All currently enrolled CUI undergraduate students are eligible to participate. 参赛作品必须包括作者的:
    • 名字
    • Address
    • 电子邮件地址
    • 电话号码
    • 班级(大一、大二等.)
    • 主要


  • 通过提交一篇论文, you are declaring that it is an original work. Primary and secondary sources may be included if properly attributed, 但文章必须是你自己的原创作品.
  • 通过提交一篇论文, 您同意将文章和/或节选发表在网上或纸质出版物上.
  • 每篇文章必须双倍行距, between 1000 – 1250 words (4 – 5 pages) and submitted in Times New Roman, 12-pont字体.
  • 所有论文必须用英文提交.


  • Upon receipt, each essay will be assigned a number. Judges will not know the identity of authors until final judging has been completed.
  • 竞赛评委将包括代表我校英语系、历史系和政治思想系的教师,以及至少一名与论文题目相关的专业人士.

最佳论文奖是1000美元.S. 第二名的文章将获得500美元的奖金.S. 整篇文章和/或获奖文章的节选将在网上和/或纸质出版物上发表.


向博士提出问题. 乔·艾伦·查塔姆报道 (电子邮件保护).

CUI Essay Contest on the Constitution: Choose ONE of three essay questions.

  • 修改宪法. Since the Constitution of the United States was put into operation on March 4, 1789, 近12,国会已经提出了1000条修正案. Only thirty-three were sent to the States for ratification. Of those, twenty-seven have been ratified and become part of the Constitution. The first Congress proposed and sent to the states for ratification twelve amendments, ten of which were ratified and became known as the Bill of Rights. 剩下的两项原始提案中的一项于1992年获得批准,被列为第二十七修正案. 如果你可以提出一项宪法修正案,你会提出什么修正案,为什么要提出? What other parts of the Constitution, if any, would be affected by your amendment? 你提出的修正案会对政府的权力和/或人民的权利产生什么影响?
  • 第一修正案和言论自由. The First Amendment prohibits Congress from making laws abridging the freedom of speech. 最高法院对第十四修正案的解释是将第一修正案的禁令也适用于各州. 然而,言论自由并不是无限制的. Speech that actively incites violence or creates imminent danger is not protected. In recent years, there have been calls prohibit “hate” speech. Such speech is not defined in United States law, 但联合国的一份备忘录将仇恨言论定义为“任何形式的言论交流”, 文字或行为, 针对某人或某一群体的身份攻击或使用轻蔑或歧视的语言, 换句话说, 基于他们的宗教信仰, 种族, 国籍, 比赛, color, 血统, 性别或其他身份因素.” Should laws against hate speech be supported? If so, how should hate speech be defined and who should decide? If not, why not and what are the ramifications of banning hate speech? 在你的文章中, consider the overall value of free speech and implications of limiting any form of speech.
  • 行政机关. 总统和一些国会议员主张免除全部或部分学生贷款. The estimated cost could be approximately $400 billion. The debate centers on many differences of opinion regarding 1) transfer of wealth from taxpayers to people who borrowed money to go to college; 2) whether the President has the power to make such a decision; and 3) the overall economic and social benefits of student loan forgiveness. The issue has been argued before the United States Supreme Court; its decision is expected in June or July. Do you support or oppose student loan forgiveness? In your answer, address the three issues listed above. If you write your essay after the Supreme Court’s decision is published, 你可能想阅读判决书,并考虑多数法官提出的论点和少数法官提出的论点(假设判决不是一致的)。.


To create your own 宪法日 for your family, 朋友, 俱乐部或其他团体, 你可以 find creative ideas and resources here:





PBS - 宪法日, Civic Empowerment, and Active Citizenship Lesson Plan

Daughters of the American Revolution - 宪法的一周
