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Dr. Jo Ellen Chatham

In January 2019, Dr. 乔·艾伦·查塔姆被任命为康考迪亚大学欧文分校公民教育中心主任. The Center is dedicated to promoting civil dialogue, 提供教育和鼓舞人心的节目致力于我们国家的历史和基本原则, and encouraging informed citizen engagement.

Keith Curry

Jo Ellen退休前是南加州爱迪生公司(SCE)的公共事务总监,20年来,她管理着一个区域经理团队,服务于奥兰治和洛杉矶的50多个城市,并支持公共事务服务的战略规划.

Jo Ellen is the former Chair of the Board of Trustees of PBS SoCal, the second most viewed of more than 340 PBS stations in the United States, 也是南加州公共媒体集团的董事会成员. 她曾担任公共电视台协会(APTS)的Lay副主席,并继续担任太平洋交响乐团董事会执行委员会成员和奥兰治县论坛董事会成员.

For nearly 15 years, 乔·艾伦是西洛杉矶学院的政治学副教授,在那里她还担任管理人员和教务委员会的官员. Prior to joining SCE, Jo Ellen was president of Eagle Forum of California, a public policy organization; appointed by Governor Pete Wilson to the Board of Governors of the California State Bar Association and the Narcotic Addict Evaluation Authority and was a member of the Board of the Henry Salvatori Forum at the University of Southern California.

Jo Ellen has served in various capacities on the boards of numerous organizations, including the Orange County Commission on the Status of Women, the Orange County Business Council, the World Affairs Council of Orange County, Red Cross of Orange County (Secretary), the Orange County High School of the Arts Foundation Board, 加州大学欧文分校民主研究中心领导委员会, 查普曼大学法学院访问委员会和奥兰治县纳税人协会. 她是诺鲁孜委员会的公共事务大使,也是颁发埃利斯岛荣誉勋章的全国民族组织联盟顾问委员会的成员.

In 1987, Jo Ellen authored “A More Perfect Union: The Constitutional Convention of 1787”, 得到了美国宪法两百周年纪念委员会的正式承认. Among other honors, she received the Ellis Island Medal of Honor in 2015. She received her B. S. and M. A. in Political Science from California State University at Northridge and a second M.A. and Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Southern California. She also studies Consumer Economics at UCLA graduate school.

两年来,乔·艾伦一直是美国全国广播公司荣获艾美奖的公共政策节目“自由4人”的小组成员,也是电视和广播节目的常客, including appearances on such programs as "CNN and Company," "The Tom Snyder Show," "The Today Show," CBS's "News Makers", "Live in L.A." and many others. 她是《亚洲体育博彩平台》的政治专栏作家,并组织和讲授有效的政治行动和媒体关系方面的研讨会. 她是阿尔法政治运动学校的联合创始人,并撰写了《博彩平台推荐》和《博彩平台推荐》.

Scott Carpenter

Scott Carpenter is the Managing Partner of Fusion Strategies, LLC, a professional public relations, government affairs, and political consulting firm. 在他众多的职责和任务中,招募和培训地方政治职位的候选人, county, and state levels of government; advising and consulting on public policy initiatives in the crafting of policy items and advocacy to policymakers and the public at large; and coordinating strategic communications and messaging with clients to present to the public and key stakeholders.

Keith Curry

Scott has served in various capacities for several elected officials, including State Senator John Moorlach. For six years he was Senator Moorlach's District Director, 管理民政事务处职员的训练及监督民政事务处的运作. In that capacity, he built and cultivated relationships with community leaders, business owners, charitable organizations, elected officials, constituents, and issue advocates throughout the community. In addition, he collaborated with local leaders to identify legislation needed to solve problems within the district; oversaw communications to traditional and social media; managed constituent services; and advocated for the Senator's legislative agenda in the community and with other legislative leaders.

Prior to service with Senator Moorlach, 斯科特曾担任奥兰治县监督员肖恩·纳尔逊的高级政策顾问五年,研究和缓和影响医疗保健的政策, social services, senior services, community resources, probation, proposed legislation, and other topics. 他与通讯主任合作,协助起草和编辑新闻稿, newsletters, 和社交媒体信息,并在处理相关政策问题时代表主管参加许多社区和委员会会议. Before joining Supervisor Nelson's county office, 斯科特担任纳尔逊竞选监事会的竞选经理.

Until recruited by Shawn Nelson's campaign, 斯科特是加利福尼亚州议员查克·德沃尔(Chuck DeVore)的实地代表和立法助理, Scott spent one year in the State Capitol, coordinating DeVore's schedule, researching legislation, and staffing legislation through the legislative process.

Scott earned a B.A. 2005年在尔湾康考迪亚大学获得政治学和历史学士学位,辅修商科. A Dean's Scholarship Recipient, Scott was active in student government, 2003-2004年在学生会任职,2004-2005年担任学生会副主席,同时也是一名四年勤工俭学学生.

Scott's public service and public affairs experience includes being the campaign manager for a proposed public policy measure in Newport Beach; serving as the Political Director for the Republican Party of Orange County; volunteering as an advisor for the YMCA Youth and Government model legislature and court program; and recruiting and organizing volunteers for mission trips to Tijuana to build and repair homes, gather food and supplies and raise funds for mission activities. he continues to serve as a Board Member of Yellow Ribbon America, 这是一家总部位于尔湾的非营利组织,致力于为军人及其家属提供支持.

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